A BIG Thanks for our fallen heroes. THANK YOU!

Memorial Day is the BIG kick off to start summer, but it's true meaning is an important one.  It was a holiday started back in the 1800's as a day to pay honor to our fallen soldiers from the Civil War.  Now, it is a holiday to honor all of our country's fallen servicemen and women who have made the greatest sacrifice of all.

It's a day of parades, music, waving the "grand ole red, white, and blue", and placing flags at the graves of fallen soldiers.  For many, it is a day of BBQ'ing, decking out the house and kids in red, white, and blue, and hanging with friends and family.  However one chooses to celebrate, the focus of the day is an important reminder of the sacrifices many have made to protect our freedom.  THANK YOU to all who have been effected by these sacrifices.  May God bless you and the good ole US of A!